Cozy ORM

Replacement of jugglingdb for cozy application.


This module exports several things


# Existence
Note.exists 123, (err, isExist) ->
    console.log isExist

# Find
Note.find 321, (err, note) ->
    console.log note

# Create
Note.create { "content":"created value"}, (err, note) ->
    console.log # 321

# Update attributes
Note.updateAttributes "321", title: "my new title", (err) ->

# Delete
Note.destroy "321", (err) ->

# you can also call the function on model instances
note.updateAttributes title: "my new title", (err) ->
    console.log err
note.destroy (err) ->
    console.log err


# Index document fields
note.index ["title", "content"], (err) ->
    console.log err
Note.index "321", ["title", "content"], (err) ->

# Search through indexes "dragons", (err, notes) ->
    console.log notes


# Attach file
note.attachFile "./test.png", (err) ->
    console.log err

# Get file
stream = @note.getFile "test.png", (err) ->
     console.log err
stream.pipe fs.createWriteStream('./test-get.png')

Use with Americano

Simply add cozydb to the americano plugin list in server/config. The americano plugin will fetch ./models/ and register the requests on the data-system.

If you dont use americano, you can manually create your requests with defineRequest