Tutorial: Doctypes and Permissions

Doctypes and Permissions

The notion of docType

Cozy is based on couchdb, where all documents are stored in a single store, to simplify management and enable permissioning, every document created by cozy or an application should have a docType, which identify the type of a document.

You can use existing docType, such as Contact, Note, Event, ... or pick your own.


To use a docType, your app needs to ask the permissions in its package.json

    "cozy-permissions": {
        "Contact": {
            "description": "Pick a contact to talk to."

description is going to be shown when a user installs your application. So I advise you to be persuasive and explain why it needs to access your Contact data.

If the data-system doesn't recognize a docType name, it will create a new one and you'll be able to interact with it. You can use doctype from any other app in cozy, and any other app can use the docType of your application. Try to keep in mind that another app can create a document with your docType and an unexpected structure.

How do I know the fields of a cozy application?

Open any cozy app in github and head over to server/models/xxxx.coffee to see what attributes are created by cozy applications.

What about making my own doc type ?

In that case, you don't need to define a schema for your document. We consider that client apps doesn't require such formalism, so feel free to put any attributes you want!